Kriya to open the heart center - release emotional defenses
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This is a set for creating open, loving feelings. It opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to shed emotional defenses. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more present and experience your emotions more clearly.
Open your heart, release defenses, be present for more clarity.
as desired and needed
Kundalini Yoga is a practice for increasing life force energy. In this yoga practice we work with the 10 bodies, the chakras (energy centers in the body) and the energy channels etc. The exercises are aimed at purifying the chakras and increasing the life energy (prana). Important part besides the physical ¨exercises is also the chanting of mantras, breathing exercises and meditations.
Ps. This type of yoga is extremely transformative. If you don't want any change at the moment, you better choose something else.