The focus of this class is on your energy and getting it flowing again. You will observe yourself and feel how you are in the flow today, also give gentle space and get to know the Pilates breathing. With a stable back, energy can also flow.
Get to know your body, relieve discomfort in the back and lumbar vertebrae, activate fascia, promote stability, relax, breathing exercise
Whenever you like, if you feel discomfort in your lower back, to start the day in the morning with loosened muscles
Pilates is a holistic body workout that primarily targets the low-lying, small and usually weaker muscle groups that provide healthy posture. The training includes strength exercises, stretching and conscious breathing. The aim is to strengthen the muscles, improve fitness and coordination, stimulate circulation and increase body awareness. The basis of all exercises is the training of the so-called "powerhouse", which refers to the muscles around the spine in the center of the body.