Yoga Konwledge - The eight principles and practices (limbs) of yoga
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Body & Nutrition

Yoga Konwledge - The eight principles and practices (limbs) of yoga

en, 4 Minutes
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In this series we would like to give you some background information about yoga and its influence on our well-being.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga form a path for Yoga sadhana, meaning the Yoga practice. The eight limbs are essential components and preparation for Samadhi (ultimate bliss, undisturbed superconcious state). These principles and many more interesting yogic and philosophical concepts can be found in the scriptures of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

The eight limbs are formed by the following principles and practices:

  1. Yama - rules of Yoga lifestyle, code of conduct
  2. Niyamas - Principles to practice self-awarness
  3. Asanas - postures and physical practice in Yoga
  4. Pranayama - breath work
  5. Pratyahara - Practice and mastering of non-attachment
  6. Dharana - Concetration, sharpening the senses, one-pointed focus
  7. Dhyana - Meditation, drawing the senses inward
  8. Samadhi - unity with the ultimate divinity, self-realization

Originally, yoga was a purely spiritual path whose main goal was the search for enlightenment through meditation. The many asanas only developed over time. Their primary goal is to strengthen and mobilize the body. Over time, more and more recognized the positive effect of physical exercises on the overall well-being of the person. On December 1, 2016, yoga was recognized as a UNESCO Intangible World Heritage Site.