Yoga Konwledge - Everything you need to know about the Pranayama "Nadi Shodhana"
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Yoga Konwledge - Everything you need to know about the Pranayama "Nadi Shodhana"

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Nadi Shodhana referred to as alternate nostril breathing is a very gentle technique which can be practiced anytime. This exercise is designed to cleanse and purify the energy channels, called nadis. The ultimate goal is to unblock the nadis, remaining in liberation, a state of pure bliss called Samadhi.

  • Ida Nadi: left nostril (mental energy), yin, moon, nighttime, cool, female energy, colour white, parasympathetic nervous system
  • Pingala Nadi: right nostril (physical energy), yang, sun, daytime, heat, male energy, activating, colour red, sympathetic nervous system
  • Shushumna: runs through the center, most important channel connecting base and crown.