Understanding depression - symptoms, effects & common prejudices
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Depression is much more than "being a bit sad". Many studies indicate that depression is characterised by typical changes in messenger substances in the brain and that these are out of balance. This means that depression is primarily a physical illness and has nothing to do with a "lack of wil".
In this video, Nicole breaks down the most common prejudices about depression and talks about her experience in the therapy of depressed people.
Knowledge about depression and its effects, helpful information for sufferers
If you are affected by depression or have someone with depression in your environment
Depression (lat. deprimere = to depress) is one of the affective disorders and is defined as a morbidly depressed mood that can be accompanied by a variety of psychosocial, psychological and physical-vegetative symptoms. It is estimated that 15% of the total population suffer from depression requiring treatment (at least) once in their lives.