Ujjayi breathing - Pranayama deepening breathing technique
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Yoga for Men

Ujjayi breathing - Pranayama deepening breathing technique

de, 3 Minutes
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Pranayama, or breathing exercises and techniques, are of great importance in yoga. Besides Breath of Fire, Ujjayi breathing is probably the best known. Numerous effects are attributed to it. It is said to clear the mind, calm the spirit and increase the volume of the lungs. Through the sound of breathing you are in a stronger connection.

  • Calms, increases lung volume, positive for digestion
  • Daily practice during the asanas

Frank knows from his own experience what it's like to sit as a man in a well utilized women's yoga class. A little more strength and a little less flexibility yields different goals. That's why Frank has fortunately specialized with yoga for men and caters to your needs in his classes. Of course, his lessons are also wonderfully doable for women, but the focus is on men.