The power of return - exploring the place where you feel your breath most clearly and easily
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The power of return - exploring the place where you feel your breath most clearly and easily

de, 15 Minutes
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When thoughts distract our attention from the breath, we repeatedly direct attention back to the breath in a conscious, kind and non-judgmental way.A guided meditation in which we become familiar with the breath by exploring the place where you feel your breath most clearly or most easily.

  • Meditation as training in resilience, observation of thoughts, shifting to the noticing mind
  • For those who want to break free from identification with their thoughts, where do you feel your breath most clearly?

Mindfulness can be described as clear and non-judgmental awareness of what is happening in each moment. It enables us to experience and accept bodily sensations, thoughts, feelings and all other perceptions, whether pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, as they are - to actually experience life as it unfolds from moment to moment.