Surya Kriya - Solar energy for full concentration and your radiance
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Kundalini Yoga

Surya Kriya - Solar energy for full concentration and your radiance

de, 73 Minutes
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You can use this sequence of exercises to ward off a cold or to prepare for a day of high demands. It activates solar energy, which cleanses the body and gives you a glow. You become powerful, expressive, outward looking and enthusiastic.

  • Self-purification, keeps weight down, aids digestion, clears the mind, increases ability to concentrate
  • Practice from time to time to give strength to your body

Kundalini Yoga is a practice to increase life energy. In this yoga direction, work is done with the astral body, the chakras (energy centers in the body) and the energy channels, etc. The exercises are aimed at purifying the chakras and increasing the life energy (prana). Important part besides the physical ¨exercises is also the chanting of mantras, breathing exercises and meditations.

Ps. This type of yoga is extremely transformative. If you don't want any change at the moment, you better choose something else.