Spinal twist - torso twist for your back muscles and heart
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Kundalini Yoga

Spinal twist - torso twist for your back muscles and heart

de, 11 Minutes
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Spinal Twist or also known as torso twist is an excellent exercise especially for yoga beginners to specifically strengthen the back muscles and open the heart space. This stretches the lower and middle back and massages the internal organs. A Kundalini Yoga exercise that releases so-called happiness hormones, endorphins.

  • Mobilizes and strengthens the spine, helps with sciatica, neck and back pain, opens chest, heart and lung space, promotes compassion, love and tolerance
  • Whenever you like, also as daily practice

Kundalini Yoga is a practice to increase life energy. In this yoga direction we work with the astral body, the chakras (energy centers in the body) and the energy channels, etc. The exercises are aimed at purifying the chakras and increasing the life energy (prana). Important part besides the physical exercises is also the chanting of mantras, breathing exercises and meditations.

Ps. This type of yoga is extremely transformative. If you don't want any change at the moment, you better choose something else.