Rebirth Breathwork - The Mother of All Breathing Exercises
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Rebirth Breathwork - The Mother of All Breathing Exercises

en, 57 Minutes
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Warning: For experienced Breathworkers only!

The "mother" of all breathwork exercises. Rebirth through breathing? Rebirthing father Leonard Orr found: Yes, it can be done. He was a devotee of circular breathing, i.e. inhaling and exhaling without pause, which promises a deep relaxation and self-awareness journey. Please note the variation explained in the video for people with depression, heart medication, pregnant women, etc. After this exercise you should have at least one hour to yourself, not driving or going to a work meeting. This exercise has a transforming effect, if you don't want to change or feel emotionally unstable, better choose something else.

  • Emotional release, releasing blocked energy, invigorating, can be challenging in the process and has liberating effect
  • If it supports you in the process

Rebirthing is based on the theory that one's birth has been a traumatic event. Through circular breathing you can bring back to consciousness and dissolve buried memories and feelings.