Preserve the beauty of the body
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Kundalini Yoga

Preserve the beauty of the body

de, 32 Minutes
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In this three-part series of exercises you create a lot of energy for your root chakra, wake up the body, release blockages, boost circulation and fill your energy store with a breathing exercise. This set has a cleansing effect to preserve the beauty of your body and adjust your energy flow.

  • Create energy and adjust energy flow, cell cleansing, strengthening of the lower chakras
  • Weekly practice or on demand

Kundalini Yoga is a practice for increasing life energy. In this yoga direction, work is done with the astral body, chakras (energy centers in the body) and energy channels, etc. The exercises are aimed at purifying the chakras and increasing the life energy (prana). Important part besides the physical exercises is also the chanting of mantras, breathing exercises and meditations.

Ps. This type of yoga is extremely transformative. If you don't want any change at the moment, you better choose something els