Healing of old karma - Freeing from old burdens within the family
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Kundalini Yoga

Healing of old karma - Freeing from old burdens within the family

de, 13 Minutes
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Our ancestors influence us positively and negatively. If we look at our family tree, we can be sure that our parents and grandparents have also developed patterns that can be resolved. This way they will not block us any further. With the help of this meditation, you heal yourself by blessing your ancestors.

  • Bless and heal yourself and your ancestral lineage
  • Daily practice at actuali

The mantra of the meditation is:

Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru. Wise One is the one who serves infinity.

Kundalini Yoga is a practice for increasing life energy. In this yoga direction, work is done with the astral body, chakras (energy centers in the body) and energy channels, etc. The exercises are aimed at purifying the chakras and increasing the life energy (prana). Important part besides the physical ¨exercises is also the chanting of mantras, breathing exercises and meditations.

Ps. This type of yoga is extremely transformative. If you don't want any change at the moment, you better choose something els