Handstand Micro Workshop - Transformation and Danger for Thrill in Everyday Life
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Yoga for Men

Handstand Micro Workshop - Transformation and Danger for Thrill in Everyday Life

de, 10 Minutes
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Bakasana or the Crow is an exercise for higher pulse and pure thrill. Standing in the pose for a few seconds for the first time is the first big milestone on your yoga journey. With Bakasana, you'll feel your way up to handstand and overcome your fears.

  • Trains your shoulders, upper and lower arms, strengthens wrists and abdominal muscles, builds self-confidence and provides the right amount of thrill
  • If you like, as a supplement

Frank knows from personal experience what it's like to sit as a man in a well-used women's yoga class. A little more strength and a little less flexibility results in different goals. That's why Frank has fortunately specialized in yoga for men and caters to your needs in his classes. Of course, his lessons are also wonderfully doable for women, but the focus is on men.