Halloween - A new annual wheel and time for your wishes
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Halloween - A new annual wheel and time for your wishes

en, 14 Minutes
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On October 31 and November 01, high festivals take place in various cultures. Halloween, Samhain, or in Central Europe All Saints' Day are just a few of them. All of them represent the end of summer and originate, for example, from the Celtic or Wiccan calendar. In this night and also shortly before or after a time window opens where the curtain to our ancestors and spirit guides is much more translucent than usual. There is a transitional energy between summer and winter, which invites us to deal with change. Inés shares her knowledge with you and gives you different ideas on how to celebrate these days.

  • If you want to use Halloween as a support for change, ancestor contact and as a ritual
  • For the days before, during and after Halloween

Shamans are spiritual, ritual and healing specialists who act as mediators to the Otherworld. A shamanic journey is comparable to a dream journey, your spirit goes on a journey. Thereby you can get in touch with everything animate and exchange in the Otherworld. Shamans assume that there is not only a soul in humans and animals, but also in every tree, every stone, every element like fire, air, earth and water.