Full class release posture - Maintain concentration
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Yoga for Men

Full class release posture - Maintain concentration

de, 59 Minutes
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With this complete class Frank wants to direct your concentration to the postures. He shows you how you don't collapse at the end of the asanas, but can elegantly find your way out of the postures. So you release with care and are encouraged to see where you release and where you keep the tension. Of course, all with dignity, precision and relaxation.

  • Stay, hold, breathe, go out of the posture with dignity and let go instead of collapsing
  • Weekly practice or as needed

Frank knows from his own experience what it's like to sit as a man in a well utilized women's yoga class. A little more strength and a little less flexibility yields different goals. That's why Frank has fortunately specialized with yoga for men and caters to your needs in his classes. Of course, his lessons are also wonderfully doable for women, but the focus is on men.