Everything for your back - release tension
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Yin Yang Restorative

Everything for your back - release tension

de, 47 Minutes
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In this lesson you dedicate yourself to your whole length and your back. You activate your spinal fluid, moving energy through the body and supporting your nervous system. Through the movements in your spine, you also move stagnant emotions. How easily do you let go of thoughts and control mechanisms?

  • Move emotions out of your body, relieve your back, support your nervous system
  • As needed

Yin and Restorative Yoga both stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation. The practices help to calm the mind and focus attention on the breath. They are both gentle and suitable for all ages and levels - from beginning yogis to experienced practitioners. Both practices are a wonderful way to connect with your true self. Although both Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga are slow and stress-relieving practices, they are very different from each other. Yin Yoga is about stretching and applying gentle pressure to specific tissues. Restorative Yoga is all about supporting the body and allowing it to relax and heal.