Diving deeper into yoga - Twists, out with the old, in with the new
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Vinyasa Flow

Diving deeper into yoga - Twists, out with the old, in with the new

de, 83 Minutes
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Out with the old, in with the new. In this dynamic vinyasa flow, Wini uses many twists to release the thoracic spine areas of the body. This is where tensions often store up and you experience a sense of limitation. After this extensive class, you will feel wonderfully relaxed again.

  • Release thoracic vertebrae, bring energy into flow, synchronize breath, open heart space
  • Weekly practice or as needed

Vinyasa Yoga originated from Hatha Yoga and is distinguished by the flowing movements of its postures (asanas). All movements are performed in sync with the breath. The focus is not only on the individual postures, but just as much attention is paid to the connections. In Sanskrit, "vi" means to set in a certain way and "nyasa" means to set, place, lay. The focus of this yoga form is on strength, conditioning, flexibility and balance.