Breathing exercise in beats - calm down and relax
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Pregnancy Yoga

Breathing exercise in beats - calm down and relax

de, 22 Minutes
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This breathing exercise works on your parasympathetic nervous system, which takes over the regulation in your body in the rest and recovery phase. It calms and relaxes. In addition, this breathing is a good preparation for birth and its three phases. Thus a great support to breathe through the contractions and increase your lung capacity.

  • For sleep problems, stress, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, worries and for birth preparation (01.-03. trimester)
  • Daily practice

Yoga is a great tool for supporting women in such transformative and vulnerable stages of life as pregnancy and postpartum recovery, including bonding, breastfeeding, etc. Similar to other types of childbirth classes, pregnancy yoga is a multi-faceted exercise approach that promotes stretching, mental centering and focused breathing. Research suggests that pregnancy yoga is safe and can have many benefits for pregnant women and their babies.