Basic knowledge Smudging - create energetically clean rooms
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Basic knowledge Smudging - create energetically clean rooms

en, 10 Minutes
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Inés shares her experience and knowledge about incense with you. You will learn how you can clean your rooms energetically and maybe apply the basics yourself? Have fun, this ritual is worth it, as we know from experience.

  • Basic knowledge about incense, ingredients, effect and application
  • If you want to clean your rooms energetically, prepare for a ritual, tune in to a new project etc.

Shamans are spiritual, ritual and healing specialists who act as mediators to the other world. A shamanic journey is comparable to a dream journey, your spirit goes on a journey. Thereby you can get in touch with everything animate and exchange in the Otherworld. Shamans assume that there is not only a soul in humans and animals, but also in every tree, every stone, every element like fire, air, earth and water.