Anxiety disorders and paralyzing thoughts - what you can do against it
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Fears and paralyzing thoughts are among the most widespread psychological issues in our society today. There are many different levels and forms of it, varying in intensity and appearance. Five out of 100 people have a diagnosed (!) anxiety disorder. In this video, you'll learn what an anxiety disorder is, how to better manage your anxiety, what behavioral changes and treatments might be helpful, and how anxiety can manifest in everyday life. More knowledge creates more security, we think, and that's why we especially recommend this video to you.
Gain knowledge about anxiety disorders and paralyzing thoughts, helpful info for people suffering from anxieties
if you are affected by anxiety, or have someone with anxiety in your environment
An anxiety disorder exists when fear reactions occur in situations that are actually harmless. The fear is not in proportion to the actual threat. Affected persons nevertheless experience the fear psychologically and physically very intensively.